Adding Employees to the Payrun

This is the central processing point for all payroll data entry. When you first access the screen, all employees are sitting in the employee pool. To pay an employee, they must first be moved from the employee pool to employees to pay, from where any required edits can be made.

Any employee remaining in the pool will not be paid in that payrun.

To Add Employees to the Payrun:

  1. Click on the Employee Pool to see all of the employees available.
  2. Use the standard selection criteria (in the panel on the left) to control the employees available to the payrun. For example:
  • Put a tick beside On Leave to see all employees who are currently on leave (that is, who have a leave finish date which is later than the payrun period end date).
  • Untick auto-pay employees to see only non auto-pay employees.
  1. The right hand pane lists available employees together with some basic details. Where there are a large number of employees, use sort and group to help locate them.
  2. When you have made your selections, you can begin adding employees to the pay.
  3. There are several ways to add employees to the Payrun:
  • To add individual employees to the payrun, select the required employee/s. To add multiple employees hold the Ctrl or Shift keys while clicking. Click Add to Payrun.
  • To add all of the listed employees to the payrun, click Add All to Payrun.
    A message will appear asking you to confirm that you want to add these employees to the payrun.
  1. Click OK.
    The selected employees will be added to the Payrun. The number of employees added will show up next to Employees to Pay.

Adding as an Adjustment

Use this method when only one or two figures need to be updated, for example to pay an omitted allowance, or correct a shortfall in superannuation. This method adds the employee without their standard pay items. This avoids the need to remove all items when only one figure needs to be adjusted. In addition:

  • If net pay will be less than zero for any employee in the payrun, then they must be added as an adjustment. Negative pays cannot be processed in a standard payrun.
  • The system can calculate negative pay but does not automatically calculate negative tax or super. These items must be entered manually if required.
  • If the adjustment will result in a negative or $0 pay, you must change the Payment Method to Cash or Cheque . The payrun will not update when transferring negative or $0 to the bank.

To Perform an Adjustment Payrun:

  1. Highlight the required employee(s) in the pool (hold down the Ctrl and/or Shift key while clicking to make multiple selections).
  2. At the top of the payrun window, select the arrow next to Add to Payrun.
  3. Click Add as Adjustment on the drop-down menu.

Adding using the F8 Shortcut

The F8 shortcut allows you to add employees to the pay without having to use your mouse. See shortcuts for more information.

  1. Press F8 on your keyboard to move to the F8 selector.
  2. Type the required Employee Number. Optionally, you can pad the employee number so that you need only enter the significant portion of the employee number, e.g. for 000012 you can enter 12.
  3. Press Enter or click Select. If you have selected employee number padded in your system preferences, you only need enter the significant portion of the employee number, e.g. 000632 can be entered as 632.
  4. The employee will be automatically moved across to Employees to Pay.
  5. From time to time you may need to remove employees from the payrun. For example: 
    • Some details in the employee file have been changed since they were added into the payrun. To pick up those changes, the employee must be removed and added again.
    • An employee has been added to the payrun in error.

Removing an Employee from the Payrun:

  1. Select Emplo(y)ees to Pay on the left.
  2. Highlight the employee to remove in the right hand pane. Use the Ctrl or Shift keys on your keyboard to make multiple selections.
  3. Click Remove to move the employee back to the pool.

Searching for an Employee

You may 'drill down' in the data to locate employees in either the Employee Pool or in Employees to Pay. This is covered in Drill Down Searching.

Public Holidays

If public holidays fall within the range of the current pay period, these can be auto applied to employees' pay. See Public Holidays: Auto Apply.


Once you have completed adding employees to the payrun, close the Employees to Pay window using the Close button Close button